I have read about Beth Moore's book "So Long Insecurity" on a number of blogs over the last month. Like with my dicovering blogging many, many years after it's grand entrance to the world, I have discovered Beth Moore many, many years after everyone else! But now that I have heard so many flattering things said about her, and in particular about this book, I had to see for myself what the fuss was all about. Low self-esteem is something that I have battled with for the vast majority of my life. Insecurity has tainted my perceptions of myself, relationships, my purpose - you name it a sense of insecurity has been lurking under every stone and behind every corner. Just when I think I have a grasp on things, that insecurity has left the building for good, it sneaks up on me again, usually when I least expect it! I can have periods of time where my insecurities seem to be a distant memory, and other times where they can be seriously debilitating, hindering my every thought and daily life for weeks on end. It is quite possible that this will be something I battle for the rest of my life, but it would be an amazing blessing if those times could be few and far between, and that those moments wouldn't be debilitating, but rather a chance to trust in the One in whom I should be gathering all my worth from.
Each one of us have weaknesses that the enemy knows about and he likes to push those buttons, just to make us feel worthless. Too often I let him win these battles without much of a fight at all. I listen to the wrong voice, the voice of lies and deceit because somethimes it seems like that voice is louder than the One who loves me enough to give His life in place of mine.
It seems crazy to let the lies win the battle in my mind, especially when I know what the TRUTH is. I am a daughter of the living God, I am more than a conqueror, I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Why is it that all too often I forget these truths? Oh the mind of a female!
Well, I have only read the first two chapters of "So Long Insecurity" but I'm praying that God will use this book in a healing and eye opening way. I'm hoping to truely be able to say "So long insecurity"!
By the way, on Friday it was my wonderful husbands 31st birthday! Happy Birthday, I love you more than I could ever say!
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