Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Food in America

During our 7 weeks in the US of A we got to sample quite a bit of the good old American fare. Admittedly, American food gets a pretty bad rap here in Australia. Of course, there are the stereotypes (supersize anyone?!), but there are a lot of rumours that the food isn't as fresh as we have here in Australia.

I am happy to report that, yes there are A LOT of fast food chains, (which we did partake in!!) but there are also a lot of great places to eat where you can (shocker!) get some really tasty, healthy and fresh food! I thought I'd share a few.

Breakfast at Denny's

The BEST sandwich EVER: Capriotti's

Food at Yankee Stadium

Chili's Yum!

Dinner in Sedona, on a balcony with stunning scenery. Great food too!

Sweet Cece's frozen yogurt. Sooo good!

Cafe du Monde. New Orleans
Pei Wei's in Nashville

Dinner on our balcony at the Grand Canyon


Our final USA meal: In-N-Out burger

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