I know we are now halfway through January (what?!) but I am in a pensive mood and I have seen this questionnaire done here and here, so I thought it might be good to write some stuff down and look back on in another 12 months time!
1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
So many things. Went to Disneyland, saw NYC, the Grand Canyon, Washington DC. Drank Pepto-bismal! Spent all-day-every-day with Dave for 7 weeks, and we loved every minute of it! Set foot in the Atlantic Ocean and swam in the Gulf of Mexico. Walked along Santa Monica beach. Went to a NASCAR race.
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?I don't think I made any New Year's resolutions last year, and I haven't again this year. I do want to simplify my life and be more intentional this year, but that is more of a lifestyle change prompted by the Holy Spirit than a resolution.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?One of my very closest friends Jess gave birth to her first baby, a daughter, Layla!
4. Did anyone close to you die?Dave's boss tragically passed away around Easter.
5. What countries did you visit?The USA!
6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?The opportunity to live overseas. Find a new job, something I'm passionate about and love to do.
7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?29th of June - the day we flew out to America
4th of July - sitting on the balcony in Florida watching the fireworks
17th of July - met Katie Dunlap and family!
10th of August - seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time
8. What was your biggest achievement for the year?
Finally being able to go to America after years of talking and dreaming about it.
9. What was your biggest failure?Losing 200 videos (and thus 2 weeks of footage) from our America trip.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Thank goodness, no.
11. What was the best thing you bought?KitchenAid mixer - brought it home from America in one of my suitcases! Although the car we bought (and then sold) for out trip around America was pretty good too!
12. Where did most of your money go?The America trip
13. What did you get really excited about?
The America trip!
14. What song will always remind you of 2011?Dirt Road Anthem - Jason Aldean. The Anthem for our road trip
15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
-Happier or sadder?Sadder
-Thinner or fatter?
About the same
-Richer or poorer?Poorer financially, richer spiritually.
16. What do you wish you'd done more of?Taken more photos of everyday life.
17. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Watching TV.
18. How did you spend Christmas?Christmas day was spent at Aunty Glenda and Uncle Peter's house in Brisbane, Queensland
19. What was your favorite TV program?Friday Night Lights. Oh. My. Gosh!
20. What were your favorite books of the year?Barefoot Church - Brandon Hatmaker
The Hole in Our Gospel - Richard Stearns
Radical - David Platt
A Modern Girls Guide to Bible Study - Jen Hatmaker
Interrupted - Jen Hatmaker
21. What was your favorite music this year?Country music - The Band Perry, Lady Antebellum, Thompson Square, Brad Paisley, Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton, Keith Urban and a whole lot more.
22. What were your favorite films of the year?Couple Retreat, Captain America (saw it at a drive in on Route 66!), Fast and Furious 5
23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?I turned 26 on the 8th of August. We were still in America so I declared that I got two days of birthday - Australia birthday and America birthday! We were driving Route 66 on both days. On Australia birthday (the 7th in the US) we were driving from Amarillo, TX to Albuquerque, NM. On America birthday we were driving from Albuquerque to Flagstaff, AZ. Dave found us beautiful hotels for both nights and the scenery we drove through was amazing.
24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Having a job that I truly love to do.
25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?Well, I didn't buy any clothes before we went to America, so I spent 6 months or more wearing only what was already in my closet. I guess cute casual would be my style - I brought back 7 pairs of jeans from the States, and a whole lot of cute tops and a couple of very nice blazer style jackets!
26. What kept you sane?
Holidays. Knowing that I only work for 10 week chunks at a time and then have 2 weeks off. It's a pure relief.
27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.
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